Thursday, April 8, 2010


I think I probably went bonkers all these months.. Haven’t been in writing mode for quite some time. But its abut time that I put something up for everyone to read. So what shall I write about? Lets c.

Recently I switched from orkut and wanted to try out facebook. At first (even now) I found it a little difficult to follow.. It seems too transparent about what my friends r up to than orkut is.. I’m logged into facebook even nw.. commenting.. taking some random "wat do u wanna knw to freak u out" questions. i cn hear the match gng on from my room. DC vs RCB.. hmmmm i feel the thrill of IPL is wearing off in me.. Seems like d same old things happening. The first yr it was such a new concept tat concealed all our attention. I can realize how intensely new things can amaze us initially. It seems as a good place for both Indian players to work it out wid foreign players but seems lik its been years wid IPL already. Maybe watchin a match live at a stadium mite indulge me into it once again. Maybe few hunks along wid the cheerleaders. he he he.. i'm in a good mood now after a long day.. almost gng through all kinds of emotions on a single day.. starting wid a mourn!!... lets nt gt deeper into it though. it seems lik i'm relaxed after quite a while .. bt the truth is i've been dng nothin for a very long time.. i'm laughin at myself ;-)..

Its 8th april 2010. Nearly the end of my college life too.. It was quite recently tat i started realizin tat i'm gettin attached to more ppl than i have imagined. Asking everyone to fill in my slam, time jus seems to overtake too quickly. its too early for me to say "Let me move on". Does dis blog seem to go abstract.. ha tats better. i wonder hw long will b able to b wid my carefree attitude. hmmmm.. Last min plans to go out as a grp, laze around... seems to be on d raise.. All others who r gonna stay long in coll are ready to bid a farewell to us.. bt i want to jus hold on to d end of the rope. Of course this coll life has been a real transition period for all of us. it isnt as it all started!!.. everythin has changed .. For a good reason.

Acceptance cn nly be the solution to the all worries!!



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