Wednesday, December 24, 2008


FIVE... FOUR.... THREE... TWO... ONE...

We have heard this countdown million times. During Rocket launches, New Year, Missile tests, and so on. I was about to do the same. But it hadn't got anything to do with any launches and there are few days left for New Year as of now. It was my birthday and in a way this one was really special to me. The reason...Shhh it’s a secret. Every minute of my bday this year had been exciting and satisfying. My birthdays had always been with my family. But this year it was totally, completely different. My family isn't used to the custom of wishing at the stroke of twelve, cos you know its deep sleep time (not for us though). So they wished me around 11. Gave me my gifts and sang the traditional birthday song. I don't want it to change, how old I become. That's something which shrouds the whole bday feel.

Actually I came to bed much earlier than usual. The reason... I already knew no one would let me sleep. But nevertheless, no one else was the reason for my anxiety that night than me. These things needn't be taught. he he he. So then moving on. The clock struck 11.30 pm. It was only then I realized that it wasn't only me who was awake for a purpose. My friends (they aren’t jus my friends) started pouring in their wishes for me, even though they were drowsy. The very sense within that they are doing this for me brought nothing but satisfied smile onto my face. Though many got line to wish me (what can I do I was busy), few who tried again and again, where the ones who gave me wishes which I wont dare forget my life!!!..(NEVER can I forget them). For telling them tat I wasn't able to sleep the only reply I got was, "How can you ever think of having a sound sleep today". They are such great friends. I got some sleep only by 2.30a.m.

A beautiful day would become auspicious with the divine blessings. To fulfill this thought we all at home went to temple really early that morning. The sagi bond( ionic bond) was seen to rejuvenate again that morning. It is obvious that I would have a plan for the entire day. I started trailing behind from the start. But hey I’ve learnt time management all my life. My first stop after my temple visit was to catch up with two of my friends. They had a train to board at 12.50pm. After a little confusion I met them at my all time favourite station. I couldn't spend much time with them. Hardly 15 mins was all I got. 15 mins or 15 hours, it was great.

From there I caught up with the rest of my friends at citi centre. No one would have spent so much of time there as we did..he he he. At the same food court, at the same table for hours together. I got unusual gifts this time, as unusual as I am!!.We ate little but spoke a lot. My brother made it up for the moments I missed him for my last birthday. Gifts aren't the only one's which surprises us. When I reached the place I was really feeling down cos two of my friends couldn't turn up. Who knew tat one of them would bunk her CAT class and the other make it all the way there just for my sake. It just can't get any better than that. Now that everyone were there, you can jus imagine the commotion added to that already existing, cos of the crowd. I knew that my friends would tease me for sure, but never guessed they would go a step further with that thought. Oh I forgot! Not to add the pre and post teasing to each issue!!. A bday without bday bumps. It’s a no no. A lesson well learnt this year.

Finally we decided it was time to get back home. I was so exhausted with all this excitement. It was difficult to put myself to a halt. I shared this unbounded happiness to all those who made it happen.

A colourful day now with an added sparkle.

P.S. About the countdown I had mentioned at the beginning of the blog. Do u still think I was able to complete it( actually I was a long way from completing it). I would surely try out my luck next year!!!. C..ya…


Swarna Latha said...

the b day gal.....aww..such an emotional and cute description.... an unrelated beginnin and a nice way to end it...and ya... never say its a red letter day....say its colorful;) jus kiddin.... hope the years to come would give u the same experience wit a tinge of difference evrytime!!!

Unknown said...

nice blogs .. this is the 1st time i am reading your blog in the early hrs of the day (2:30am) . You are very good writer though its about your life !
now .. i am planning to write my blog that is about people who make my life a pleasure and a pain ;)

KIWI said...

@ swarna: point taken n edited ;-)

@ haris : thanks alot..i'm happy i in a way influenced u in writin ur blog!

The Jamist said...

Your way of writing is quite unique in how you tend to make sure your views are heard in clear daylight by spreading your comments on the happenings here and there throughout ...

Hmmmm ;)