Thursday, April 8, 2010


I think I probably went bonkers all these months.. Haven’t been in writing mode for quite some time. But its abut time that I put something up for everyone to read. So what shall I write about? Lets c.

Recently I switched from orkut and wanted to try out facebook. At first (even now) I found it a little difficult to follow.. It seems too transparent about what my friends r up to than orkut is.. I’m logged into facebook even nw.. commenting.. taking some random "wat do u wanna knw to freak u out" questions. i cn hear the match gng on from my room. DC vs RCB.. hmmmm i feel the thrill of IPL is wearing off in me.. Seems like d same old things happening. The first yr it was such a new concept tat concealed all our attention. I can realize how intensely new things can amaze us initially. It seems as a good place for both Indian players to work it out wid foreign players but seems lik its been years wid IPL already. Maybe watchin a match live at a stadium mite indulge me into it once again. Maybe few hunks along wid the cheerleaders. he he he.. i'm in a good mood now after a long day.. almost gng through all kinds of emotions on a single day.. starting wid a mourn!!... lets nt gt deeper into it though. it seems lik i'm relaxed after quite a while .. bt the truth is i've been dng nothin for a very long time.. i'm laughin at myself ;-)..

Its 8th april 2010. Nearly the end of my college life too.. It was quite recently tat i started realizin tat i'm gettin attached to more ppl than i have imagined. Asking everyone to fill in my slam, time jus seems to overtake too quickly. its too early for me to say "Let me move on". Does dis blog seem to go abstract.. ha tats better. i wonder hw long will b able to b wid my carefree attitude. hmmmm.. Last min plans to go out as a grp, laze around... seems to be on d raise.. All others who r gonna stay long in coll are ready to bid a farewell to us.. bt i want to jus hold on to d end of the rope. Of course this coll life has been a real transition period for all of us. it isnt as it all started!!.. everythin has changed .. For a good reason.

Acceptance cn nly be the solution to the all worries!!



Monday, May 25, 2009


“The Green Mile” starring Tom Hanks is the recent movie I got caught up with, and to say the movie has just influenced me will be an understatement. So I thought that I would just pen down upon the plot and screenplay.

As soon as I downloaded this movie, I just brushed through it. From the glimpses that I got, it seemed something similar to “Shawshank Redemption”. In the sense it was a prison based movie.

The first few scenes with the older Paul and Elaine showed, a man is who he is because of his past. His narration of his past to her, takes us to the role of Tom Hanks (Paul Edgecomb) which is worth a huge applause. He is a prison guard at the E block and its the place where executions of the death sentenced inmates are carried out. The real hero of the movie John Coffey comes in huge built, talks a little- like a child who has started to speak for a while now. By the looks all would eventually think that has he done something gruesome to be awarded with a death penalty. But when he enquires whether the lights would be switched on at nights, it made me think “Could he have done anything??? Hmmmm...?”

This is the kind of prison where, though people come in committing the worst imaginable murders are treated so well and given a chance to regret what they had done. The credit for this goes to the guards and the warden who are very human.

The first execution in the movie happens right after the introduction of Mr. Jingles-The circus mouse as named by Del, one of the inmates. The personification given to it is outstanding. Toot toot and his comical sense for helping out the prison guards to practice their lines during the executions are just out of this world.

This movie isn’t any ordinary one where the prison guards ill treat and assault their inmates. They strongly understand that, all they should be doing is “TALK”, cos these men get fragile as days go by. Percy happens to be the spoilt child amongst the guards. The reason for this is that he is the nephew of the Governor of State’s wife. Bullying around people and the inmates made me think “Oh! I hope he gets a chance to taste his own meat”. He had a state job in hand with better pay but rather preferred to stay at the E block.

The introduction of Wild Billy, to say the truth is a bang on the face. John Coffey who had been in the background till now comes to the limelight by curing the urinary infection that Paul had been suffering from for quite some time. I had an expression “What did just happen right now??” He seems to be a miracle of God and who treats by faith. Clearly he didn’t seem anything like tat till that moment. He wears an innocent look and a bright smile which makes the place feel warmer. Paul is put in a fix about John’s conviction and makes the move to meet the lawyer who argued for him. He, as plain as it can get, makes it almost believable that Coffey could have murdered the two little girls, with his story of his innocent pet dog who one day attacked his son out from no where. They were just thankful to God that he got one eye left of the two.

Wild Billy gets down with his pranks which really puts an awkward expression on the faces of the officers as well as me. But the way they kept on to theirs nerves was quite astonishing. He’s put in the refrain room a couple of times (a kind of a payback, for his behaviors) which had been kept as a store room till then.

The most disturbing part of the movie was the execution of Del. Who else can be the reason for that other than Percy himself? His pride was just getting out of bounds. It reached its climax when he kills Mr. Jingles. Again John reverses it, by giving back life to him. The real essence of his character had just started to come out. By this Paul cooks up an idea to treat Melinda, wife of warden Hal, suffering from brain tumour. Its successful implementation gained more support for our John.

The real twist placed at this point was the assassination of Wild Billy by John through Percy. And this landed Percy at his rightful place – The Mental Hospital. John had already seen from Billy that he was the one who murdered the two little girls. He showed this to Paul as well. Though John had put forth his innocence on his conviction loud and clear, it didn’t provide the grip to clear him of charges. He wanted to forgo his life, since he felt and saw the true colour of this world and its people. Those dialogues and the erupting emotions really touched me.

John is finally executed.

At the end of the narration, the story gives us a surprise package which is to be experienced by watching the movie.

Each character in this movie is such a piece of work.

The best I could do??



Wednesday, December 24, 2008


FIVE... FOUR.... THREE... TWO... ONE...

We have heard this countdown million times. During Rocket launches, New Year, Missile tests, and so on. I was about to do the same. But it hadn't got anything to do with any launches and there are few days left for New Year as of now. It was my birthday and in a way this one was really special to me. The reason...Shhh it’s a secret. Every minute of my bday this year had been exciting and satisfying. My birthdays had always been with my family. But this year it was totally, completely different. My family isn't used to the custom of wishing at the stroke of twelve, cos you know its deep sleep time (not for us though). So they wished me around 11. Gave me my gifts and sang the traditional birthday song. I don't want it to change, how old I become. That's something which shrouds the whole bday feel.

Actually I came to bed much earlier than usual. The reason... I already knew no one would let me sleep. But nevertheless, no one else was the reason for my anxiety that night than me. These things needn't be taught. he he he. So then moving on. The clock struck 11.30 pm. It was only then I realized that it wasn't only me who was awake for a purpose. My friends (they aren’t jus my friends) started pouring in their wishes for me, even though they were drowsy. The very sense within that they are doing this for me brought nothing but satisfied smile onto my face. Though many got line to wish me (what can I do I was busy), few who tried again and again, where the ones who gave me wishes which I wont dare forget my life!!!..(NEVER can I forget them). For telling them tat I wasn't able to sleep the only reply I got was, "How can you ever think of having a sound sleep today". They are such great friends. I got some sleep only by 2.30a.m.

A beautiful day would become auspicious with the divine blessings. To fulfill this thought we all at home went to temple really early that morning. The sagi bond( ionic bond) was seen to rejuvenate again that morning. It is obvious that I would have a plan for the entire day. I started trailing behind from the start. But hey I’ve learnt time management all my life. My first stop after my temple visit was to catch up with two of my friends. They had a train to board at 12.50pm. After a little confusion I met them at my all time favourite station. I couldn't spend much time with them. Hardly 15 mins was all I got. 15 mins or 15 hours, it was great.

From there I caught up with the rest of my friends at citi centre. No one would have spent so much of time there as we did..he he he. At the same food court, at the same table for hours together. I got unusual gifts this time, as unusual as I am!!.We ate little but spoke a lot. My brother made it up for the moments I missed him for my last birthday. Gifts aren't the only one's which surprises us. When I reached the place I was really feeling down cos two of my friends couldn't turn up. Who knew tat one of them would bunk her CAT class and the other make it all the way there just for my sake. It just can't get any better than that. Now that everyone were there, you can jus imagine the commotion added to that already existing, cos of the crowd. I knew that my friends would tease me for sure, but never guessed they would go a step further with that thought. Oh I forgot! Not to add the pre and post teasing to each issue!!. A bday without bday bumps. It’s a no no. A lesson well learnt this year.

Finally we decided it was time to get back home. I was so exhausted with all this excitement. It was difficult to put myself to a halt. I shared this unbounded happiness to all those who made it happen.

A colourful day now with an added sparkle.

P.S. About the countdown I had mentioned at the beginning of the blog. Do u still think I was able to complete it( actually I was a long way from completing it). I would surely try out my luck next year!!!. C..ya…

Thursday, July 17, 2008


Alright guys. All this time my blog involved about emotions and innermost feelings which each and everyone of us would have experienced at some fraction of a second. I thought why don’t i do something different this time.

While pondering over the topic, I just thought it would be perfect to share the most unexpected day which started out nothing sizzling about it. There was a previous commosion which led to this day perhaps. Can you guess what was the root cause for it?????.What else, other than my (our) coll!!!.I had to pay my semester fees at main campus Guindy. After getting there I came to know that I had to pay my exam fees as well(but that at my college....its just the beginning).I had no extra money and mood to finish up that work(nevertheless my dept office staff had no clue about what was to be done :-)...).This is the preceding story!...Now that this is done, two days after that I decided to pay it as well. A friend of mine also wanted to catch up with me for a very long time. So you know what would have been my plan then. I got ready and when I was about to leave i had messages from few friends studying in self financing colleges that their results have been declared. They wanted me to check it out as they had college and i was still enjoying my vacation. I tried but as usual at time of crisis the server was down. Tension started crippling in. On my way to the station it strikes me that my season ticket validity had got over. I had to wait to get it at my station under the direct sun (phew..Hot and sweaty).In d mean time I called up my friend and not knowing where to hang out(comedy track no.1)confirmed to catch up with her at a temple(I have loads of faith in divine power). I boarded the train and got a call for d results. I was helpless.

I got down at Palavanthangal station fondly known as fruit station. We had decided to go to hanuman temple. I knew only one at that place. I got there, but you know what???? She had gone to hayagrivar temple nearby (comedy track no.2...a little confusion in communication). I got there at the nick of time, cos the temple was about to be closed. We finished up our prayers and got out. I wanted to let know my friends about their results. She was anxious too. So we went in search of a browsing centre. I guess it was 11.15AM. We had to wait for a while before we could get a system. After that, wait for the website to load. Even after so much of waiting only our anxiety kept raisin but not the web page. All our tries went in vain and by then the clock struck 12. U still remember I had to still pay my fees. A flash of all friends whom i can sort for help went through my mind...just one of them was shortlisted out of that and fortunately really fortunately he said he would do it. After giving him the details, I took her along and reached college. There was again a long queue for that(hw much more frustration is in store for me??)and first thing no challan was there. Yet I had no problem with that...My friend saw that and got me one..Phew!!!....It took me nearly an hour and half to finish off with that. In midst of waiting I got the results from my friend. After that i called all of them to let know of their results (enough commosion for a long time).I didn’t have lunch till 2. Was damn hungry after all the walking and thinking.

But whatever was the obstacle at the end of the day, I found that everything fell into place...

1/4 by planning, 1/4 by faith, 1/4 by luck n 1/4 by the help I got from my 2 friends at the right moment!!!...

What can I say ALL'S WELL THAT ENDS WELL!!!!

Friday, May 16, 2008

SOB- Weeping in DISMAY or?????

I love the one who ignores me
I miss the one who hates me
I cry for the one who backstabbes me
I laugh with the one who fakes it
I worry for the one who is selfish
I dream of/for the one who jus makes me a dreamer
I think of the one who happens to be a mirage in the desert
Good things take time to happen
Great things happen in a blink of an eye
But worst things are always at dispense and
Breaks free at the verge of insanity...



Sunday, April 13, 2008


Every human is filled with emotions which they think cannot be understood by anyone other than themselves.But this wasnt wat Christy felt when she went on a date with david.Who wants a luxurious lunch, flowers n chocolates when all that was wanted was jus plain and uncomplicated compassion.David was the kinda guy who wanted company for his present state of mind and talking about Christy,she wanted to feel what true love was.Her history can only explain this.Though she had known David for a very long time,she didnt have the opportunity of experiencing some lonely time with him.Going out alone came up just as a topic of discussion which is now a reality.Though David had somethin cute in his mind,she had no clue wants in for her.They just caught up at a railway station on a sunny morning.With some mystery in his eyes and eargerness in hers.Wid absolutely no idea about their destination,she boards the train.After a while even after he breaks the suspence,there exists an unanswered question in her looks.Lot of waiting had to be undergone before they could settle down at the end point.With the cool air brushing against their faces and love in her heart they held their hands.The content cannot be told in words.Their entire date was only in the train,to n fro.With the seaside view from the train,they thought wont this time become a standstill...